About Me

Nothing encourages creativity like the chance to fall flat on one’s face. ~James D. Finley

I am an extremely creative individual. I also have one heck of an imagination.

There’s a constant war between dreams and reality in my head – I’m a realist who is a dreamer. A contradiction of sorts – but life would be boring without it.

A single mother of two – single, but not desperate; adult and young adult. I can be quite a Momster (what happens to Mom’s after they count to 3), but thankfully, I have a sense of humour. On a bad day, they complain I am unreasonable – on a good day, I’m ‘cool’ – ‘best mom ever’. Ha!

I hail from the East Coast of South Africa – a ‘little’ city with pristine beaches and a laid back feel to it. Little being the operative word.

I love to write. I’m under no illusions that I’m any good –  but I enjoy it. And life is too short to NOT do the things we enjoy – at least some of them. I had hopes and dreams of becoming a famous writer one day – I’m not dead yet, so I’m on my way!
(I also love cheesecake, reading and rainy days!)

I’m not a material girl, but I live in a material world – and the lack of values in this current world irritates me. I’m also not your standard “single white female” – and not just because I come with an interesting package that includes two other humans. I don’t like shopping and only do it when it becomes a necessity, my entire wardrobe can fit into a 20L backpack, the only time I ever visited a beauty salon was for a massage with a gift certificate I received.

There’s a lot more, but I won’t be a bore.

I hope you’ll enjoy reading my blog…that I won’t just be a passing fancy, but will be a long term interest that will capture your attention – even if only on occasion.

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